Minimum Age
The minimum age limit to enter the festival is 16. This is a strict policy and anybody younger than 16 years on July 12, 2025, even if accompanied by an adult, will not be permitted entrance.
Opening Hours
Saturday: 14h-02h
Sunday: 14h-00h
• On Saturday:
The check-in to enter the festival site is open until 23h00.
Access will be denied after 23h00, even if you have a valid bracelet or ticket.
• On Sunday:
The check-in to enter the festival site is open until 22h00.
Access will be denied after 22h00, even if you have a valid bracelet or ticket.
This is possible.
You can store your valuable belongings & clothing, without having to worry about loss or theft. You can hire a locker during the weekend/day.
The lockers can be found at the festival. During the opening hours, lockers are continuously under surveillance. The lockers are always accessible for the people who rent them.
There are different sizes of lockers available so you can choose the one that fits you the most.
Food & Drinks
A wide variety of food and beverages will be available all day and night via the various vendors at the festival grounds.
PLEASE NOTE: No food or beverages will be allowed to be brought into the festival.
Ostend Beach conduct an absolute zero tolerance policy with regard to drugs.
If you need to take prescribed medication due to health problems, you need to be in possession of a valid medical certificate. Only with a valid medical certificate, you are allowed to take these medications with you.
It is possible to buy cigarettes at Ostend Beach.
Photo & Video
You will be allowed to bring non-professional cameras into the event. You must obtain permission to bring a professional camera (please get in touch with Ostend Beach organisers) into the event.
Lost & Found
All found items will be delivered to the local Police of Ostend, the day after the festival. You can contact the local Police of Ostend at +32(0)
The possession, sale and/or use of any illegal or illicit drugs at the Event will not be tolerated anywhere inside or outside the Festival venue. Undercover police officers will be staffed to enforce all drug violations. We will provide an amnesty box at the entrance of the Event and we encourage all attendees to “turn in, no questions asked” any illegal or illicit drugs and/or substances prior to entering the Event. If you SEE SOMETHING-SAY SOMETHING. If you observe any attendee using, selling, distributing and/or in the possession of any illegal or illicit drugs and/or substances, immediately notify a police officer, security personnel or your supervisor. Be proactive and make a difference.
Visitors with a disability
Ostend Beach puts in a great effort to make the festival accessible to visitors with disabilities. Do you have a disability and are you facing any problems where you can’t find a solution? Would you just like some more information about this issue? Please send an email to
However, as we are on a sandy underground, it is difficult to enter the festival with a wheelchair.
Sale Points
Tickets can only be bought through our official ticketing partner
Eventix. All tickets can be found
Resell tickets
We only work with
Ticketswap to resell your ticket. We do not offer refunds for any bought ticket.
The safest way to buy and sell e-tickets
TicketSwap is a safe, convenient and fair place to buy and sell e-tickets for concerts, festivals, sports events, theatre and days out. Fraud is prevented by strict checks and collaborations with organizations and partners.
Cashless Festival
Ostend Beach is a cashless festival. Your ticket will be changed for your personal wristband at the festival entrance. You will need this wristband to pay for food and drinks at the festival site. Food vendors and bars at Ostend Beach only accept “Shells", the official Ostend Beach cashless currency. Before heading to Ostend Beach, don't forget to activate your personal acoount and top-up Shells.
Personal Account
Register your ticket online and ‘top up’ by loading prepaid ‘
Shells’ into your cashless account before you arrive – this will save you loads of time at the event, so you can go straight to partying! You can also add more funds to your account at a physical Top-up Station located throughout the event or through our festival mobile app.
Once your account is topped-up, you’re ready to make purchases onsite by simply tapping your wristband to one of the payment points at the vendor stands. The amount will automatically be deducted from your account – it’s quick and easy! After the festival, we will refund the remaining "Shells”!
Free Shells
You can already prepare for our party on sandy shores by topping up with Shells today, and reaping the rewards by saving when you do it in advance of the event.
15 Shell +
1 Free Shell = € 28,5
30 Shell +
2 Free Shells = € 57
45 Shell +
3 Free Shells = € 85,5
Payconiq by Bancontact
As you may already know, our festival is
cashless, which means you'll receive
a wristband with a chip.
To purchase food and drinks, you'll need to load money onto this chip. It's easy to add funds using the Payconiq by Bancontact app: just scan the QR code on your wristband or card, enter the amount you want to add, and confirm the transaction. This way, you won't waste time waiting in line to top up your wristband and you can spend more time enjoying the festival!
Install the Payconiq by Bancontact app in advance!
Ostend Beach 2024 Refund Policy
Request a refund for your Shells
You can do this from
Wednesday, 17 July 12:00 to Wednesday, 24 July 12:00. Refund payment will be done after this timeframe. Deposits will be executed approximately 5 to 10 working days after the refund link is closed.
Ask a refund here:
- free shells are non-refundable
- shells that have been added to your wristband just by bringing in cups that exceed the initial number of cups by 5 that have been used by yourself (according to your orders) will not be refunded
- a refund is only possible when there are more than 2 shells on your wristband due to transaction cost of 2 shells (€ 3,8)
Why is there a refund fee?
The refund fee is 2 Shells (€ 3,8). Each refund requires verification and processing, which incurs handling costs. These and other service-related expenses are covered by the refund fee.
If you use up all the Shells on your wristband or card, you won't have to pay the fee.
Getting Here
Festival Address
The festival is located at KLEIN STRAND, Montgomerykaai 1, 8400 Oostende, BELGIUM
House Rules
1) Drugs and weapons are strictly forbidden. If we discover drugs or weapons, we will immediateley notify the police.
2) All visitors must be able to show their identification card at all time and prove they are 16. If you don’t meet the minimum age, access will be declined. Even if you have a valid ticket. Tickets will not be compensated.
3) It is forbidden to express any form of racism. E.g.: all texts, symbols, gestures and improper statements that lead to racism are forbidden !
4) If you enter the festival site there’s a possibility you will get a body search. The security can ask the owners of a ticket or a special entrance, and from the same gender as them, to subject themselves voluntarily to a superficial control.
5) If you enter the festival site you have to hand over your ticket at the entrance so it can be scanned. The ticket will be exchanged for an entrance bracelet. With that bracelet you can leave and enter the festival.
6) Own food and drinks, drugs and dangerous objects are strictly forbidden at the festival site.
7) From 23h00 on Friday & Saturday & 22h00 on Sunday the organization has the right to decline visitors, even if they have a valid ticket or a special entrance from the organization.
8) The access is declined to the following persons:
* People under the influence of drugs, alcohol or any other stimulating drug.
* People who are declined to a former festival by the organization or the administrative or judicial authorities.
* People who show to be violent due to manifest behaviour and who want to disturb the public order.
* People who resist the control and the body check by security and the local authoroties of the festival site.
* People who resist handing over their items if they are considered to be dangerous of forbidden.
* People who are in conflict with one or several articles of the house rules.
9) Visitors are only allowed in the areas permitted to the public. All other areas are forbidden.
10) Visitors that have a medical condition and have to take daily medicines, need to bring a copy of a doctor’s prescription.
11) The organization has the right to tow away any car that is wrongly parked. The organization has an agreement with the Local Police. The car will be towed away at the expense of the offender. The offender willl be verbalized by the Local Police.
12) Every visitor in possession of a ticket participates at the event at his own risk and dismisses the organization of all responsibility. The visitor agrees to every instruction the organization is imposed as part of the public order and the safety during the festival.
13) When the visitor receives a ticket, he agrees to the possibility that he/she might get filmed or photographed during the festival. These images can be registered or stored. The images can also be used by the organization to promote the event.